Gambling Adverts Should Be Banned

Jan 29, 2018  Gambling ads need to be banned during sporting events and before watershed, urges Church of England. The Church of England ’s leading voice on the issue and a Conservative peer have called for greater restrictions on bookmakers’ adverts as a study found two in three teenagers feel they are being bombarded by betting adverts on television.

  1. Gambling Adverts Should Be Banned Today
  2. Online Gambling Banned
  3. Gambling Adverts Should Be Banned Lyrics
  • May 27, 2018 Gambling companies should be treated like tobacco firms and forced to display prominent health warnings about the potential harms of betting, according to a cross-party group of MPs and peers.
  • Oct 24, 2016 The Culture Secretary has warned that gambling companies could be banned from showing TV adverts during the daytime and revealed that her children can recite entire commercials by heart.
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Voting Style:OpenPoint System:7 Point
Updated:6 years agoStatus:Post Voting Period
Viewed:10,226 timesDebate No:31903
Comments (4)


I absolutely agree that gambling should be banned! When say 'gambling' I immediately imagine the person sitting in one slot machine whole day trying to win, waste his time, lose money and control over himself. Even the word 'gambling' says for himself - we are trying to win forget about everything and we become obsessed by this game. In addition gambling affects negatively to people. It can change our life to the bad side for example: family breakdown, destruction of friendship and so on.


Allow me to use an analogy. Think of gambling as fast food and the gambler is the consumer of that food. If the consumer eats fast food every day, then they will eventually become obese. This is the equivalent of the gambler losing their money, time, and themselves. But let's say that the fast food eater only eats every so often. Then they will most likely not become obese. This is the equivalent of healthy 'every now and then' gambling.
The point that I am trying to make is: gambling is fine in moderation. I completely agree that a gambling addiction, which is what my opponent described, can be a horrible thing that can ruin a life. However, when done occasionally, gambling has some advantages.
Gambling can be a great fun. Gambling is often performed through games that are fun even if no gambling is involved. These games can also be played with friends and when playing with friends, you can become more connected with them. Playing with friends may even strengthen relationships.
Gambling also affects the economy in a positive way. It gives money to the local government allowing them to lower the tax put on citizens. This is why real estate in places such as Las Vegas is so desirable. Gambling also provides jobs which can provide economic stimulus in communities.


'However, when done occasionally, gambling has some advantages'. Exactly, majority of people cannot do it occasionally. When the man begin to play, it becomes interesting for him. He wants more and more. Then he becomes a slave of the game. Further, it everything leads to addiction ' is terrible thing.
At the present time we have so much other fun which can give us not only fun and good mood, at the same time they can be beneficial for us, for our health: going to the picnic and play volleyball, surfing, and to enjoy by weather, talk with friends. To play football with friends, go to the bowling etc. We can find other entertainment instead of gambling.
I agree that gambling can influence to the economy positively but not so much that economy can base on it! Gambling has a lot of disadvantages than advantages. ' A recent research reveals that in America, approximately 2.5 million adults suffer from compulsive gambling, about 3 million are considered problem gamblers, around 15 million adults are under the risk of becoming problem gamblers and 148 million fall under the low risk gambler category'. -
'According to a 1990 Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene survey, 62 percent of problem gamblers in treatment had committed illegal acts as a result of their gambling, 80 percent had committed civil offenses'' -


My opponent and I have both been using the term “gambling addiction”. Allow me to explain what this is. A gambling addiction is not a true addiction but rather an obsession that can be controlled by the individual. A true addiction is characterized by biological process that the individual has no control over. Gambling addiction, problem gambling being a more accurate term, is based on “habitual and poorly informed choices”. This means gambling is not to blame but rather the gambler for having a “gambling addiction”.

This debate is about whether or not gambling should be legal, so let me draw attention to other questionable things that are legal. Alcohol is the second most consumed drug in the world after caffeine and it can be very addictive. Yet it is legal. Alcoholism affects about 5%-10% in males and about 3%-5% in females. This is more addictive than gambling “addiction” which only affects about 3% of people. Also, alcohol affects the health of the body and not only the finances and family relationships like gambling. In my opinion, Alcohol is a much bigger problem than gambling. So why should alcohol be legal and gambling not?

As we have already established, gambling addiction is based on poor decisions. As my opponent said in the previous round, 'According to a 1990 Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene survey, 62 percent of problem gamblers in treatment had committed illegal acts as a result of their gambling, 80 percent had committed civil offenses'. These problem gamblers are already known to make poor decisions, so who’s to say they wouldn’t commit these crimes without the catalyst of gambling. I don’t believe that is a very valid argument.
I would now like to make an argument. A lot of games in gambling involve probability or some kind of strategy. This could make gambling a good way to sharpen your mind. I believe this undermines the problem that gambling is not very beneficial to the body’s physical health.


Ok! Let's say it like 'we are dealing with habitual and poorly informed choices' - Anyway, if gambling had banned this incorrect choice wouldn't have made. Further this addiction wouldn't develop!
Alcohol is not ban because economy of many countries (such as France, Italy, Georgia and so on) are developing by producing wins. As I know from school France is one of the best producers of the wine.
Also some religions like Judaism, Christianity use wine - So if we ban alcohol there will be many religions opposition and problem.
In addition, alcohol was banned earlier but there were no any good results. People began to drink surrogates, and colognes. - (although it is in Russian language but you can easily translate by electronic translator, especially fourth paragraph)
One more example that even normal person who did not commit crime earlier, commited after gambling - 'Tony Washington's addiction to gambling was so strong that he robbed to gamble. What began as a flirtation with gambling on weekends, soon suffocated him in unpaid bills. For Washington, a 40-year-old Wisconsin man, the compulsion to gamble led to life in prison'. - .
Moreover, gambling lead to problem in family especially financial problem and problem in relationship. There is the author of the article reports that in his childhood he already faced with such problem. And it was terrible - Also 'Researchers found that women whose partners had problem gambling were more than 10 times as likely to have suffered partner violence than women whose partners did not have problem gambling'. -
One more reason: gambling leads to the problem with health: problem with stomach, depression, they will think about suicide etc. -


All of my opponent's arguments for why gambling should be banned focused on the 3% of gamblers that can be classified as problem gamblers. The bad decisions of the people in the 3% should not affect whether or not the 97% of responsible gamblers are allowed to gamble.
Gambling can be fun, stimulate the economy, and create jobs. Because of this, gambling should not be banned.
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Total points awarded:03
Reasons for voting decision: Con swung me by pointing out that gambling is fine in moderation, which accounts for most of gambling
This debate has been configured to only allow voters who meet the requirements set by the debaters. This debate either has an Elo score requirement or is to be voted on by a select panel of judges.

Last updated: November 21, 2019

Should gambling be banned or severely restricted? Or should casinos be encouraged?

GamblingYes because...

To gamble is irrational and reckless. There may be the possibility of winning a big prize, but the ...

To gamble is irrational and reckless. There may be the possibility of winning a big prize, but the overwhelming likelihood is that a gambler will lose money. Casinos calculate their odds so that they will always make a profit. Gambling attracts people with little money who are desperate for a windfall. These are the people who can least afford to lose money. They should be protected from the temptation to gamble. Gambling should be banned, or at least very tightly controlled.
No because...
Gamblers know that, overall, they are likely to lose money. They gamble because it is a leisure pursuit that they enjoy. There is nothing irrational about this. Some people get an enjoyable thrill from the remote possibility that they might win a huge prize – even if they lose, they enjoy the experience. Some forms of gambling are highly sociable. For example, many people go to bingo halls to spend time with friends. Society accepts people spending (“wasting”?) money on other leisure pursuits with no material benefits (e.g. cinema tickets, watching sport) – gambling should not be any different. It is patronising to suggest that people, including those on low incomes, should not be able to choose how they spend their money.
Yes because...

Gambling is addictive. Many people end up gambling to try to recover money they have already lost. ...

Gambling is addictive. Many people end up gambling to try to recover money they have already lost. This is known as ‘chasing losses’. It results in people staking more and more money, most of which they will lose. Gambling addicts often turn to crime to feed their addiction. Addiction is highly damaging to families, since gamblers will spend whatever money they can on gambling. People start to gamble without thinking that they will become addicted. Once they become addicted, it is too late. As with drugs, it is better to ban gambling to stop people getting started in the first place.
No because...
Unlike drugs, gambling is not physically addictive. It is only psychologically addictive in some people. Only a small percentage of gamblers have an addiction. Many more get enjoyment from gambling without problems – why should these people suffer because a few others get addicted? The risks of gambling addiction are well known. People can make a conscious choice to start gambling, and are aware of the risks of addiction. Treatment programmes can address the problems of those who are addicted.
Yes because...

Gambling promotes unhealthy values. It makes people concentrate of winning money. This implies tha...

Gambling promotes unhealthy values. It makes people concentrate of winning money. This implies that they should value material goods above other things like friendships and families. It also sends out the message that success should not necessarily be the result of merit and effort. Instead, governments should promote values like thrift, hard work and self-reliance.
No because...
There is no evidence that gambling makes people not care about others. People do not gamble because they expect to win lots of money. Most gamble as a form of entertainment. There are many areas of life where success is not the result of merit or hard work. Someone born to well-off parents may get many advantages in life without merit or hard work. There are therefore no grounds for thinking that gambling promotes undesirable values.
Yes because...

Casinos are often associated with criminal activity. Drug dealers and prostitutes operate near casi...

Casinos are often associated with criminal activity. Drug dealers and prostitutes operate near casinos – they know that there are a large number of potential clients in the area. Casinos can therefore be devastating to neighbourhoods.
No because...
People committing crimes should be prosecuted. The existence of criminals does not make nearby businesses (including casinos) immoral. It is perverse to punish people who just want to gamble (and not take drugs or use prostitutes) by taking away their chance to do so.
Yes because...

The economic benefits of casinos are exaggerated. They generally only create low-paid jobs for loca...

The economic benefits of casinos are exaggerated. They generally only create low-paid jobs for local people – the casino companies usually bring in managers from elsewhere. There is still considerable unemployment and poverty in places like Atlantic City. The problems associated with casinos (e.g. crime, gambling addiction) outweigh the economic benefits. In any case, an immoral industry is not justified by the fact that it creates employment. Jobs could be created through many other industries that cause fewer moral and practical problems (e.g. theme parks).
No because...
Far from harming neighbourhoods, casinos can revive areas. They create jobs and cause money to be spent on transport infrastructure. The jobs are not just in the casino itself. More jobs are created in hotels and other parts of the tourism industry. Casinos have helped to regenerate many places that previously had considerable poverty and social problems (e.g. Atlantic City in New Jersey).
Yes because...

It is immoral for the state or charities to raise money by exploiting people’s stupidity and greed. ...

It is immoral for the state or charities to raise money by exploiting people’s stupidity and greed. Taxing gambling is a regressive tax (this means that the poor pay a greater proportion of their income in tax than the rich). This is because poor people are more likely to gamble. Regressive taxation is deeply unfair.
No because...

Gambling Adverts Should Be Banned Today

Gambling is often used to raise money for the state or good causes. Many governments tax gambling. Some even run their own lotteries. Charities use prize draws to raise funds.
Yes because...

Internet gambling is especially dangerous. Someone can become addicted very easily – they don’t eve...

Internet gambling is especially dangerous. Someone can become addicted very easily – they don’t even need to leave their home. This also means that they are gambling in private. They may therefore be less reluctant to wager very large sums they cannot afford. It is very hard to know the identity of an online gambler – there have been several cases of people (including children) using stolen credit cards to gamble online.
Online gambling may be hard to control but that is not a reason to try – making an activity more difficult to pursue will still reduce the number of those who take it up. It is not impossible to put effective deterrent steps in place, such as the recent US ban on American banks processing credit card payments to internet gambling sites.
No because...
It is impossible to stop online gambling. When it has been banned, people have just used sites based in other countries. It is better to legalize and regulate online gambling than to drive gamblers to poorly-regulated foreign operators. Regulation can reduce the problems identified by the proposition. For example, online gamblers can be required to give personal details when registering (e.g. occupation, income). If this information suggests they are spending more than they can afford, the company can block their credit card. In any case, most online gamblers do not get addicted. Why should they be denied an activity that they enjoy?

Online Gambling Banned

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